
The Booze Cruise.

I won't bore you with pictures of co-workers with whom I tooted around Tokyo harbour the other day, but I will show a couple of pictures of the harbour. Still getting the hang of the camera, so nothing too dramatic, but there are a few nice shots in there.

It started off with a great dinner and copious amounts of alcohol.

As "awards" were being given, I had my head out a porthole snapping pics of the shore.

After dinner & speeches (since I wisely wasn't invited to speak, I held up a tempura-shrimp to my mouth and mocked inhaling it. "What am I? A Ebi-Smoker!" Hilarity insued. Ebi=shrimp; Heavy smoker is an anti-smoking campaign epitet) we all moved up on deck to better enjoy the fresh sea air.

We were joined by some of Gertrude & Heathcliff's pals...

That last picture was our S.S. Minnow and the following shows what a good time I had.

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