
Star Pops!

Or Soda Wars, take your pick.

METS from Kirin have offered up 10 different Star Wars sodas for your drinking pleasure.

A word of advice, don't buy it from your local convenience store for 140 yen, go get it at the Supermarket where it only costs 85 a pop per pop.

Another advantage of buying it at the Supermarket is that for every six that you purchase, you land a free poster. I know you'll find it hard to believe, but I now have all six posters (that's a heck of a lot of pops to imbibe*.)

I scammed the following descriptions of the drinks from this page and there are some nice photos of the pops as well.

The “Kirin Mets Red Force” comes in a striking red package, the theme color of the Sith and the Dark Side, and since Kirin is apparently trying to be health conscious, the drink contains the amino acids arginine and ornithine. They’ve also spiced up the soda with red pepper flavor, and the drink is strongly carbonated for a hot and zesty aftertaste. The label reads, “Spice-charged carbonated drink

The second drink, “Kirin Mets Blue Force,” comes in the cool blue of the Jedi and the Light Side. This soda is also strongly carbonated and contains Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), with a “green leaf” flavour to give it a refreshing sweetness. The label reads, “Invigorating carbonated freshness

At first, I thought they tasted like Wookiee whiz but if you have them ice cold, they are far more palatable. Now that I know they are healthy, I no longer need worry about consuming one a day.

Listen to this gal as she gives a review of the drinks.

*I do need to drink up all two dozen because there is a chance to win a BB-8 projector by sending in 24 proofs of purchase.

Check out the Kirin website for more information...

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