
More Oni.

Not MacarOni nor RigatOni, just some Kitakami-Oni. I wandered through Kitakami Station today and noticed some Oni-Art I don't recall seeing before.

Not sure who this little guy below is but he has something to do with the Michinoku Geino Festival. The above drums with antlers are also involved.

Did you know that a triptych has 3 panels and for five panels, it's a pentaptych? I have no idea what the following panels are, though I do like them.

I'd like both of these Oni but I'm not willing to spend 400 yen on the chance I might nab one.

A friend reminded me to look down every now and then to see the manhole covers of Japan. Here is the first in a series. This one is a bird from the streets of Kitakami.

Back in Sendai, there were a few street performers at large, including this statue of an astronaut.

Then someone dropped a coin in and it came alive! Freaked out the little kid who was touching it curiously a minute before.

I made it to Kododai Koen for a mini-Craft Beer Fest but it was drizzly so I didn't snap too many photos. I tried a sampler. They weren't bad though the stout was best.

This gal was wandering around offering samples of curried chicken. For some reason, she had No-Face in tow. After I snapped the photo, she asked whether I knew the character. I then hummed the first few notes to the theme song from 千と千尋の神隠し (Spirited Away) and she was quite surprised.

Can anyone venture a guess as to what the above is?
(Hint is below...)

All in all a pretty good day!

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