
Chikubi Maru!

Welcome Googlers looking for 乳首○ (round nipples.) I intentionally misspelled my title to sucker you into reading about ちびまる子ちゃん (Chibi Maru-chan,) one of the sweetest Anime out there.

Frankly, I don't know much about the Anime (or about round nipples for that matter) but DJ Mokugohan has informed me that it's his daughter's favourite program (Chibi not Chikubi.) So, since McDonalds just happens to have a Happi-Setto devoted to the characters this month, I kindly took a cholesterol bullet for him and got the entire series. Besides, I can give it to him for his birthday next week!

You're supposed to get a package of two circular cards with each meal, but I only got 2/6. The staff claimed they were out of stock for the other meals (how difficult is it to have a pack of cards for each toy made?)

First up is Dancing Maruko which spins around and plays a clip from her theme song.

Accompanying her in her dance is her father/grandfather (??-forgive me if I don't go check the Wiki site to learn who all these characters are) who also spins around to her theme during Tomozo's Happy Day.

Next up we have Chibi Maru-chan featured again in Maruko's Keychain which appears to be a keychain that lights up.

Now we see Hanawa-kun's Vacation which is some cool dude named Hanawa who drives a nifty rod.

Maruko's Flower Pot shows Maruko watering flowers...the excitement is breathtaking.

Finally, Hoguchi-San's Laughter entails a teacher(?) who turns her head at the push of a button, not very exciting I'll admit. Since I haven't removed any of these figures from their protective wrapping, you can't get a very clear picture so in order to do so, please click the Happi-Setto link above.

This must be a good seller for Macs for the initial 3 figures were sold out after a week at one of the Macs I visited. Also it's unusual for them to feature the characters on the food-item packaging.

All in all, a very cute set for what must be a very cute cartoon. Frankly though, what with Halloween around the corner, I expected something a little more frightening than some old broad watering flowers!

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