
Clear a Thrill.

One of the nice things of being a geek in Japan is customer loyalty means something. There's a Lawson's en route to work that I frequent about thrice a week. I pick up a tea or coffee with some omake (premium freebie), purchase one of their 500 yen give-away chances or buy some snacks in order to get the omake clear file. Consequently, this morning (when I was in a tremendous hurry), the saleslady took her sweet time rummaging through a box and handed me a pair of clear files and some mini-tapes*. I have a friend who collects these tapes, so I popped in there after work and she gave me a dozen more and two more clear files! Amazing!

Here are the files, a couple more Doraemon & Rirakuma.

 Here's a smattering of other Clear files I've amassed recently.

Finally a pal of mine in Toronto will enjoy these if I ever get around to sending them to him...

* I will show a picture of the mini-tapes once my friend receives them. I want them to be a surprise.

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