I have several treats left over from Halloween including some GeGeGe airplanes!

I was hoping to wing these towards some lucky winner of my Contest but since I have had NO guesses whatsoever, I guess I'll have to make it a tad easier. (This is your last chance to enter!!)
Using the hints provided, you need to guess what movie these blurry stills are from!

A Vincent Price classic:

A pre-Apocalyptic director's debut:

I would say "House on Haunted Hill" but I don't remember it being in color....I am going to have to go through my collection tonight :)
You're absolutely correct on movie #2! Furthermore, it is in B&W but the lighting in the Club colourizes it slightly.
Since you're the only one who guessed, you're our Grand Prize winner!
The first pic is from Night of the Living Dead and the final two are from Coppola's Dementia 13.
As soon as I can, I'll send you your prize to the Graveyard.
Ah cool! Thanks...That is why I could not place all the pictures, I was trying to put them in one movie :)
Thanks fun contest. I love anything with Vincent Price...and Dememtia 13 is a great movie I have not seen in a long time, going to have to check it out again.
Thanks again!
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