Quirky observations about Life in Japan, Canada and the world at large.
Kitaro Kalendar.
One of my students gave me some お土産 (omiyage = souvenir) from her trip to Roma, Italia, a cool little bookmark Calendar featuring a dozen pics from there. (Just imagine how the Roman Empire would have turned out if the Capital had been named after Remus instead of Romulus!)
And some very yummy chocolates as well. I have some great students!
Speaking of Calendars, I was given a GeGeGe Calendar last year and this seems to be as good a time as any to show you a few pages from it. It's one of those cheap-ass rip-offs of 2 months per picture, but they are great pictures!
In the YouTube above, Kitaro meets a Water Tiger. As this canvas shows, The Year of the Tiger is soon approaching . It showed up on Monday morning as I exited Shiogama Station, probably as an invite to go visit the nearby temple.
BTW, Here are some Flickr photos of my recent trip to play Bridge at an Onsen in Iwaki. The Hotel was nothing to speak of; great food, but a very lame hot spring and snoring roommates. I also didn't fare too well at the tourney, but I did win 1000 yen worth of money towards a book purchase (I got the latest Mothra DVD). The photos are of a walkabout on early Sunday morn, the drive home and a walkabout at Nishi Park in Sendai. Enjoy and comment if you like any.
Presenting my Gal-pal Mai who will be playing keyboard tomorrow night. Thus unless I get home early, there won't be a post tomorrow. So here's a bonus GeGeGe goodie.
It's a little hunk of plastic that if you press the button, you get one of two indecipherable sentences. Handy!
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