
Yokai Secrets.

The secrets of Dracula:

Dracula is usually a gentlemen in a cloak, but once he opens the cloak, he can turn into seven different things, one after the other. (1) the Mist, (2) a Gecko, (3) a Rat, (4) a Bat, (5) an Owl, (6) a Wolf, and (7) a blood-sucking vampire.

The secrets of a Witch:

In addition to being adept at flying on a broomstick, Witches have the ability to transform as well. They can become (1) a venomous Bee, (2) a black Goat, (3) a venomous Lizard, (4) a man-eating Wolf, (5) a venomous Toad, and venomous Snake. It doesn't mention their familiarity with their familiar, a black cat.

Zombies aren't mentioned in this particular book, though I did find some delectable Zombie snacks today. 

I haven't tried them yet. Based on the picture below, they will make delightful additions to party snacks.

 I'm going to call it an early night. More Halloween lessons tomorrow...

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