
I F*rt in Your General Direction.

 A few French Yokai...

The タラスキュ (Tarasque) from France. 

Some info scammed from the Fantasy World Myth Dictionary: "A monster in the Celtic mythology of the continent. A stone-carved cannibal monster found in Nove, Vaucluse, France. It is said to be from the 3rd century BC.

Collection of the Rapidale Museum in Avignon, the centre of Provence, southern France.

A monster's forefoot standing on its hind legs, with a shape that is said to be a good example of the theme of "cut neck", a ritual of decapitation peculiar to Celts have.

There is also a legend in La Tarasque that the hero St. Marthe was defeated because a monster on the bank of the Seine devastated the town."

This pic of the Tarasque gave me the inspiration for this post's title.

On the left are ジャイアンツ (Giants) from the Balkan Sea. On the right are 魔火 (Mabi) Fireballs that the devil uses mischievously.

From Gegege...

海の蝸牛 (Umi no Katatsumuri) Sea Snail

A very similar mollusc can be found here.

海馬 (Umi-Uma quite literally, Sea Horse) is a Sea Horse but not a Seahorse.

グエル (Gueru?, left) is a scholarly Yokai that is knowledgeable about everything from Philosophy to plant juice! レビヤタン (Rebiyatan=Leviathan) resembles a giant crocodile, not the Biblical Sea Serpent.

Finally, グルマルキン (Gurumarukin) help strange girls and can even turn into maidens. Witches often turn into these as well.

I like this version a lot.

These Gatcha-capsules should be out in stores now. I would like the Goofy Ghoul.

And Pokemon Waku-waku Halloween Mascots. Once again, they go cheap and just repaint the same figure.


Bob Johns said...

Oh man, those Disney Gotcha's are really cool!

Michael Jones said...

Dang, they aren't out yet...


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