
A Qoo d'Etat!

Since it's Talk Like a Pirate Day today, I'm going to jump the gun on a Countdown to Halloween post and show some cute Pirates right now.


That Pirated gal is none other than Jeongyeon of  Twice fame, a K-Pop group that has sung many of their tunes in Japanese as well. What follows are several of the other gals in Halloween garb anointing the label of either Orange, Apple or Grape-flavoured Qoo.






It was not until I went to the Qoo website that I noticed that the random letters behind each gal spell out something. (I didn't buy 9 bottles of one flavour, I mixed and matched.)

Here's a brief commercial...

I didn't just buy the Pops (can't really call them juices) for the flavour, I also scored a Clear File and a mini-tote bag.


A word of advice, if you want to run out and buy these, I'd do so at a supermarket where they're about 78 yen each, if you go to a Conbini, they're about TWICE that. (See what I did there?)

I don't think I'm going to run out and buy any of their albums, they're a tad to sweet for me.
Case in point...

To wrap up this "Talk Like a Pirate" post, I'd be remiss if I didn't include a silly statement I made on Facebook today. Similar in vein to two years ago, I said,
"Are you King of the Jews?"
"Quod scripsi, scripsi" ("What I have written, I have written.")
"Quid est veritas?" (What is truth?")
"Crucify him!" Why, what has he done?"
It's "Talk like a Pilate Day"!

9 years ago, it was, 
Altitude: 21,000 feet. Speed: 520 knots. Level flight. Course: zero-niner-zero.
As everyone knows, it's "International Talk Like a Pilot Day".

Today's witticism is:
I'm an iron sulfide with the chemical formula FeS₂.
It's "Talk like a Pyrite Day"!

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