
A Potter Coffee.

I had to go downtown today and instead of going to my clinic to book my latest vaccination (7th!), I popped into the cinema to watch The Creator. I nodded off a few times at the beginning then when the kid showed up, it got a little more interesting, but not much. Nice effects, heavy handed plot, good acting, cute kid but just not my cup of coffee. 

Speaking of coffee, I noticed that Tully's had Pumpkin Pie, so I decided to partake. 

Hey, there's an Owl on my pie!

The whole place had a Harry Potter theme to it. I saw the cup of Joe (actually Milk Tea) for 7 bucks, so I decided to splurge. Because you get an OWL! Little did I know that when she rung up the price, the Owl was an extra 7 bucks! I missed that when ordering!

Most of the above (EXPENSIVE) items were sold out. Boy, those Potterheads are big fans. Ah well, at least I got three stickers with my purchase.

I should have gone inside e-Beans and grabbed a Halloween treat instead.

The only snag with this Ice Cream joint is: YOU DON'T GET TO KEEP THE CUP!

Sendai station had some treats booths set up as well. Again, way pricey.

The book store has a few nice displays:

I noticed this Shark Gatcha and am pleased to have scored the best one. 

Nearing the end of my Yokai book. This mischievous CyclopsYamawaro hangs out at riversides and is actually a friendly sort who'll help you with your luggage and may bathe at your place when you're not around.

Today's Facebook Memories showed me a Venomized Father Mike and since I can't find that Venom mask, I scammed this pic from a few years ago.

I'm showing my gals & a guy a movie tomorrow (Sleepy Hollow? Maybe?) and then I have a quickie Halloween party tomorrow night. So I'm off to bed now. (In the interim, check out Highbury Cemetery, there's some creepy goings-on there.)

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