
Go to H E Double Hockey Sticks!

Or...Let's get Jigoku with it! The last of my Magnet movies is 地獄 (Jigoku or The Sinners of Hell) and it is also the coolest/spookiest! (Click that link for a few snippets.) Once again, Nobuo Nakagawa strikes fear into the hearts of men with a Faustian trip to Hades!

Here are a few more posters that I dug up.

Unfortunately, I'm too busy today to watch the movie in its entirety, but there's nothing from preventing you from doing so...

Alas, I ran into a malware problem that took me ages to rectify (or has it?) thus I will have to cut this short. I'm on my way to a party but it shan't run late, so perhaps I can update later this evening.

I'll leave you with this Ukiyoe of Scenes of Heaven and Hell by Kuniyoshi.

Be sure to click on it to view it in all its Hellish glory! Here's a description courtesy of the Museum of Arts, Boston. "Amid red flames, the Ten Kings of Hell, led by ferocious King Enma, pronounce judgment on sinners who are them subjected to various tortures such as boiling in a gigantic cauldron. At the upper left is a glimpse of the palaces of Heaven, and the riverbank where the merciful bodhisattva Jizō ministers to the souls of children who died in infancy."

I'm off to Trick and/or Treat!

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