

Day 2 of Countdown to Xmas is not going well. I performed my perfunctory Santa duties this morning with due diligence, impressed some kiddies and parents with my Rudolph tune, and handed out presents with a smile. Afterwards, I went nerdy shopping and bought NOTHING! I did win this at UFO catcher after a dozen or so tries, so that's something.

I had a Subway sub and listened to Nao warble a few jazzy Christmas tunes at Rifu mall. Pretty darned good.

I watched a Christmas cartoon and was very unimpressed. "The Wish That Changed Christmas" LAME! (I'm not even going to link to it!) Even lamer was "The Ugly Duckling's Christmas Wish." I couldn't even finish it.

I watched the 4th episode of Monarch and didn't like it as much as the first three. Too trippy. The Titan is cool though. (Cool being the operative word here.) PLEEEEASE improve!

So I cracked a beer and decided to watch a Monster movie. Not just any old Monster movie, Monsternado!

I wasn't expecting Citizen Kane levels of cinema, but apart from the horrible acting, crappy writing, terrible effects, stupid plot, and cliched characters, (Hold on. You killed off the nerdy science geek chick and kept the awful FBI gal! Booo!), I expect ONE thing from my monster movie. MONSTERS! Giant octopus, spiders, crabs and crocs are NOT Monsters! Call it Creaturenado if you must, NOT Monsternado!!! It took me three beers to almost get me through the movie and then I had to break out the strong stuff. No idea how long I've had this stuff hanging around, it was Not easy to open.

I'm still working on this liquid with ice and Lots of water. I cannot Not recommend this movie enough.

Oh well, as bedtime looms and I'm typing this, I'm watching Sayonara Jupiter (English title: Bye Bye Jupiter.) It is also Not very good but I did notice a scene with some redeeming qualities. Boobies!

Let's hope tomorrow is better or I may have to rethink my 25 days of Christmas.

I'll end with some Charles Addams that I scammed from a friend. It will bring some positivity to this post.

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