

I plan to show my students "A Charlie Brown Christmas" tomorrow. OR as the Japanese call it "Snoopy's Christmas".

No need to go into details for one and all, if you haven't seen it yet, where the heck have you been? I wonder if seven 20-year old gals and one dude will enjoy this as much as I do every year.

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't share this iconic moment when the gang is dancing.

Something I have never seen is an accompanying special, "It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown." Best part is the dance routine done with Snoopy and Woodstocks (3) tapping with Candy Canes. Most surprising moment for me is the inclusion of Peggy Jean, a girlfriend of Charlie Brown!

Here's a shot of Snoopy as Santa.

Not a bad special. I'd give it 6.5/10.

UPDATE: This showed up in my feed today and seems apropos.


Eric said...

This post gives me a good excuse to share this: https://youtu.be/-2SGwdHTKr8?si=YLCwIlm0WBDalMtb

Michael Jones said...

That is wholly appropriate!


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