
That's a Load of BullMark.

It's the finale of GOvember!

While I'm typing this, I have Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: All Out Monster Attack on in the background. I don't mind them making Godzilla the villain, but I do take umbrage at allowing Ghidorah to be one of the Guardian saviours. (Oops. Spoiler.)

Anyway, for the last day, I saved some vinyl figures from way back in 2004 in the Final Wars days. Iwakura/Bullmark put these colourful figures in a box and urged one to buy them up. I did so. Furthermore, HMV also had a slightly more colourful version of the same 10 figures (plus one secret.)

I'm still missing a few, but for now, here is round one. HMV on the left, regular on the right.

Godzilla towering over Tokyo Tower.


King Ghidorah.


Only the regular version of Gorosaurus, no HMV.


Missing a Kanime.*


Jet Jaguar.

And MechaGodzilla.

Here is HMV in all their glory.

And the rest of the gang in more subdued tones.

I'm missing the Secret ones as well, they go for a pretty penny so I suspect they were Very rare. HMV has a coloured Gorosaurus, the regular ones have a coloured Megalo.

Round 2 came out the following year, starting with Godzilla naturally which unfortunately has eluded me.

Rodan and Mogera.

Mothra from above and below.



I also watched a bit of Hedorah today.


And Gezora.* (I'm missing Minya as well.)

Here they are all together (minus 2 and a Secret Hedorah.)

*Who the heck are Kameba, Kanime and Gezorah, you might ask. They are sea creatures enlarged by the Space Amoeba, Yog of course.

Only 30 days in GOvember so as an added bonus is the 31st picture from my daily calendar by artist Yuji Murakami.

Back to our regularly scheduled Blog and its infrequent occurrence starting tomorrow.

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