

I was so exhausted from yesterday's Santafication at the Hotel that I went straight to bed. Early wake-up, long hours and a head cold will do that to ya. Today, just as exhausted, though I did manage to snap a few pics from in and around the Royal Park Hotel.

Last duty of the night was a pic with the kitchen staff who served my gift recipients. They were overjoyed to receive a KitKat.

One of the dad's recognized me from earlier, so I couldn't walk around maskless lest the kiddies discover my secret identity. I took it off for a quick sELFie. 

I arrived home a little earlier and opted to have a Christmassy meal before zzzzs. 

Ah, 7-11, you came through yet again.

Santa also helped me out with a little message for my grand-nephew. This should take you there.

I'm going to watch the first episode of What If and then go to bed. Meanwhile, here are some various memes that I've acquired over the last few days.

The above is from a calendar I own. Below was sent by a friend.

Since I've been sneezing a little, I'll end with "God Bless You, Everyone!"


Caffeinated Joe said...

Beautiful photos. Seems like you had a great holiday! Hope What If? Is good, haven’t started season two yet. Happy New Year!

Michael Jones said...

HNY to you too!


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