
I Remember Mothra.

11/11 has a couple of meanings today. For starters, it's Day 11 of Govember.

It's also Pocky Day! because a 1 looks like a Pocky stick. See:


I look forward to bonking people with my long rubber Pocky. Alas, I didn't have any lessons today and it's considered rude to bonk strangers on the noggin.

It's Dog Day! In Japan, because of 11/11. One One One One (or Wan wan Wan wan, the sound a dog makes here.)

It's the Day my Twitch channel decided to show 3 Mothra movies. HERE is a short video featuring Mothra and here are several Mothra to flit around your lit candle.

Yet, most importantly, it's Remembrance Day (Veteran's Day for the US) and I sported my poppy for the occasion.

I never paid much attention to my family’s history so that necessitated an inquiry to my brother. He learned by digging through my father’s papers that dad had an older brother who was killed in Italy in WW2. Further inquiries to my aunt years ago brought the revelation that Uncle Charles had a young family in England that died in a bomb attack late in the war.
Pretty grim. So now that I know that story, Remembrance Day has even more meaning to me.

Finally, a trivial pun for you. Can anyone decipher the title of today's post? Hint: It's Dunne.

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