
Happy All Hallow's Day!

Yesterday, I threw a little party for my students. I must say the Jack o' Lanterns are looking a little worse for wear. 

I gave them a print to work on and then broke out a suitcase full of costumes for them to try on. Whilst that occurred, the neighbouring class of 19 students, stormed in with Trick or Treat bags! (It's almost as if it was all planned!) They each got a little Doraemon puffy treat (30 for 360 yen!), and walked away with a smile.

After guising up, we took a few pics together and then went next door to trick or treat ourselves. 



We took a massive photo (which I shan't share, because they're not all masked up) and then went down to the Secretary's office for more treats.

I asked them all to draw a Halloween scene, and though I miss the bizarre ones my Elementary School kids drew, I must say they performed admirably with the limited time they had.

I saved the best for last!

I then went home with the expectation of sitting in my room and watching Horror Movies all night. I watched the last half of Rosemary's Baby and then a Vincent Price movie that I'd never seen before, The Haunted Palace. It's based on a H. P. Lovecraft tale inspired by E. A. Poe and was pretty good.

Oooh, a Japanese poster utilizing all the spookiest parts of the movie!

Speaking of Lovecraft, I then watched a documentary on him with input by Carpenter, Gaiman, and Guillermo among others. Now you can watch it too!

It was at this point that I checked my Facebook and noticed that The Ha'penny Bridge (directions here) was open for business, so I grabbed my Mike-zilla outfit and hopped on the subway. 


I was finishing up my second pint of Guinness and the ballgame was ending and since there wasn't anyone else in the place in costume apart from me, was ready to head home.

Then in walks Mariko and later Motoko and Yukie and my evening was salvaged!

Now it was approaching midnight and the last subway, so I snapped a pic with the proprietor, Jack, and head home.

Let's have Betty-chan sum it up.

I'll throw in the last Yokai from my book, one of the scarier Kappa-Klones, Kenmun.

The evil Kenmun steal souls or curse you into blindness and death. The friendlier ones just prank you or steal your spoon. (Nice writeup at that link.)


As for Venom, I saved the Venom vs. Carnage Movie Pamphlet for last.

So much merchandise!

I've had a blast contributing to this Countdown, here's another contributor that I've been meaning to check out, My Side of Oz!

I'll throw in a Jack o' Donut and an IT Gatcha for good measure...

I've been late with this entry (blame sleeping in late plus Army of Darkness). Since it's now November, I'm going to do my version of Movember (shaving stuff off) and call it Govember and feature a whole lot of Gojira stuff in honour if his 70th Anniversary and a certain new movie that premiers on Friday!


Deadpan Flook said...

That last kid’s drawing is amazing! 😁

Michael Jones said...

It is! You're not the first to make that observation.


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