
Remember, Remember the Fifth of Govember!

Day 5 of Govember just happens to fall on Guy Fawkes Day. I know I should probably go watch V for Vendetta again, but I had a few more Kaiju movies to catch up on. Just to keep me honest, here is an Anonymous contributor to this blog.


(I wish I knew what happened to that mask!)

I worked hard yesterday, tidying my couch so that I could photograph my larger Kaiju who rest thereupon. Here are the couch potatoes in question. 

I noticed on Friday, that he has once again found his way into the UFO Catcher zone.

Here are some Shin-Godzilla plush that I spent a lot of cash upon.





From the anime.


This guy I found randomly in a Used Goods store. A mashup between Godzilla and Gudetama.

I doubt whether Gojira will show up in the series.

Sofa, so good. In addition to those on the couch, we have to give a shoutout to another Franchise celebrating its 30th anniversary. Here, let's let the divan divine Jeff Goldblum introduce them.


So all these guys plus a few other share space on my couch. Doesn't leave much room for me.

During the day, they get smothered by my futon. (Where else am I going to put it?)

So far today, I've watched three movies. #1 The Magic Serpent. I've never seen this so I researched it a little and found out it's loosely based on the story of Jiraiya. When I read that he rides a giant Toad into battle, I knew that I had to watch it.

There's a nice epic battle between the Toad and a Dragon.

Next up was The X from Outer Space starring Guilala
I have a challenge for you, whenever Britney sings Ou La La, substitute Guilala!

I was going through a box of toys and much to my surprise, I found the aforementioned monster.

He's from a Gatcha set from back when the movie, What to do With the Dead Kaiju? was released. Sadly, I never got around to watching it. Hopefully it'll show up on DKU-TV someday.

It took some digging, but this guy appears to Metallinome from Captain Ultra/ Ultraman

And a Kinoko Mushroom. Why? I don't know. 

Surprisingly, I was lucky enough to get the whole set without any duplicates. I fully expected to get several fungi before I got the others.

And the final movie I watched, appropriate for Govember, was Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster. As all these movies are dubbed, I didn't pay too much attention except when the Kaiju came on screen. (I recently watched a subbed version for Hedorah's anniversary.)

Back when I used to have money to burn, I ordered this guy from Amazon.


Oops, I watched a fourth movie today as well, Yongary: Monster from Space. I may have the giant squid, crab or turtle from it. Hopefully I can find them someday.

There are a few more AIP movies coming on later, Majin, the Monster of Terror and Monster from a Prehistoric Planet. I may view them before bed.

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