
Clowning Around.

Gave a couple of my patented Halloween lessons to some Grade 3&4 kids today. This time I actually had time to photograph a few of their drawings. I'm keeping it simple this year. Just draw a face on a pumpkin and then let them go nuts drawing their own take on All Hallow's Eve. Here's a sample of the boys' pumpkins.

The girls go all out with cute witches and ghosts and a few creepy ones creep in as well.

Finally a practical use for origami. In the class before mine, some of the lads made themselves some Freddy claws in Arts and Crafts.

My roving reporter is still hanging around strange neighbourhoods in New Jersey and took some more photos for me. LOTS of clowns this year!

My brother has also donated a few pics from his stomping grounds in Toronto.

The title of this post has to do with clowns and that means Pennywise. I showed off some IT gatcha last year and I just happen to have a new batch this year.

It also just happens to be the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror this week and it features Krusty as Krusto. I snapped a whole bunch of photos from the screen and will feature them after this brief introduction to a piece of crap movie. Be forewarned, after the YouTube video, there will be SPOILERS aplenty from the Simpsons. So avert your eyes or suffer the consequences!!!

REVISION: As a commenter noted it is not in actuality a Treehouse of Horror episode. I thought it was a tad lengthy for a regular one.

I occasionally watch some cheesy old movies courtesy of OSI74TV on Twitch. Tonight's fare was American Gothic. Were the talents of Michael J. Pollard, Rod Steiger and Yvonne DeCarlo wasted in this? Yes, they were. (Here's a quote scammed from Wikipedia, "In 1988, Steiger and Yvonne De Carlo played a spooky elderly couple with developmentally delayed children in John Hough's horror film American Gothic. Universally panned by the critics, Caryn James of The New York Times wrote: "Mr. Steiger addresses the camera as if he were reciting Shakespeare, he is truly, straightforwardly, hilariously bad." Was it predictable? Yes, it was. Was it scary? Not really. Was it good to see a couple of familiar Canadian faces in this American movie filmed in Hollywood North ie Vancouver. The answer is Yes again. Will I ever watch this movie again? The answer would be NO.


The first picture is actually from last week's episode which is Marge-centric and features Krusty prominently.

Here are the various incarnations of PennyKrusto

What follows are depictions of Krusto drawn by famous artists (Famous to someone, just not to me). These were all shown during the end credits. (Note: I am not going to bother cropping out my pause marks.)

If you made it this far, then I imagine you watched the episode. Pretty damn awesome!


Eric said...

Just to clear things up, "Not It" was NOT this year's annual "Treehouse of Terror" Halloween anthology, but an entire-episode-length special. We get "Treehouse of Terror XXXIII" on Sunday. I suspect "Not It" came about when the writers thought to make it a part of "ToT" but couldn't figure out how to include the whole story in one act.

Michael Jones said...

Wow! Thanks for clarifying that. That's what happens when one no longer has access to TV Guide.
(And before you clarify that, I know that TV Guide the Magazine is no longer in print.)


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