
Pop-Up Fresh.

A Pop-Up Godzilla store opened up downtown in a Tsutaya video store. Two different friends pointed this out to me (I have good friends).

I just happened to have some extra spending money, so I wandered down there last Saturday. Here are some of the things I didn't buy...

It was Hedorah's 50th anniversary last year. They're still pushing his merch quite strongly.

A few books.

Godarnit, that Chibi-Gojira is adorable.

Considering it is Gigan's 50th anniversary this year, there was surprisingly little new merchandise. 

I did buy a few items, a set of stickers and an acrylic key-chain.

I also couldn't resist a Hamster cosplaying as Gojira. (Who could?)

I didn't buy this at the Pop-Up, rather at my Gatcha-guy's place. Disappointedly, he did not have a full set as I'd hoped and only had this one. It's sold out everywhere else!!

Ah well, at least my previous GojiHam-kun now has a companion.

I also scored a number of Clear Files.
Grr. For some reason, these uploaded in the opposite order as intended. 
These next four were bought earlier at a different Godzilla store (in e-Beans). I grabbed them because merchandise for them is rare. 

These are a few years old but I like the artist. Yuji Kaida.

This one is just damn cool.

These two are also pretty funky. This following one was the last one! (Unless it's since been replaced.)

One of those aforementioned friends went in to the store today and snapped a few photos that I didn't.

This is a Tissue box and would definitely adorn my table. IF IT WEREN'T 5500 yen!!

I swear those chopsticks weren't there when I was and I commented on that to my roving reporter. He popped back into the Pop-Up and picked me up a pair since they were selling out quickly. Woohoo!

Since Godzilla isn't very Halloweeny, (unless you find Gigan scary), this post is only tangentially related to the Countdown to Halloween. Therefore, here are three pics that my brother sent me from some homes in his neighbourhood. I like how the spider just slightly reaches over into the sidewalk. Not enough to impede passers by, yet enough to startle them if they're paying more attention to their phones than where they're walking.

Here's a smattering of other bloggers, such as Terror TitansInto the Cauldron, and Musty TV. Hopefully, I'll return to less Kaiju-related antics tomorrow.

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