
What a Croc!

The other day I saw a dopey Crocodile movie called Croc. It was very bad in a bad way and not pretty bad in a good way. If you're a glutton for dumb Shark or Crocodile or Sharkodile (is that a thing?) movies, then seek it out on your own. I bear no responsibility for your distaste of it. You have been warned.


The part that bugged me the most about the titular reptile was its tongue. It just looked weird and out of place. So I've just Googled it and this is what the search provided:

Crocodiles have a membrane that holds their tongue in place on the roof of their mouth so it doesn't move. This makes it impossible for them to stick it outside of their narrow mouths. That can be handy for the reptile when snapping its jaws shut rapidly.

Ha, I knew it!!

So let's put that vision out of our heads and focus on a GOOD movie instead. JAWS! I'm overdue for another viewing, maybe tomorrow. In the interim, here are a few Jaws items for your bemusement amusement. This is from Universal Studios. I'm not sure when I got it, yet if you're really interested, you can click on the ol' Jaws label in this here blog entry and search for it.

Similarly, I scored this cup from LootCrate a while back. I know I have another Jaws Loot-item and when I locate it, I'll update.

Harken back to a few hours ago when I submitted an entry on Plush toys. I deliberately omitted this one. Not many Great Whites are so badass that they've tattooed Jaws on their side.

The main reason for a Jaws entry is the acquisition of a very cool set of Gatcha capsules.

"Smile you Son of a B*tch!"

Hey, I just figured out that you can affix the swimming naked gal atop the shark in a half-cup.

That's it for today's entry. The plush one took a lot out of me and now it's bedtime. 
Tomorrow, I think I'll watch Angela Lansbury in her Golden Globe winning movie from 1945, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Here's the trailer. You can catch the whole thing on Vimeo.

For other old-time classics try Cinematic Catharsis
RiP Angela Lansbury Murder She Wrought.

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