I have a LOT of pictures and videos to trudge through from Saturday's and Sunday's parties so rather than doing that, I have sat on my butt all evening instead. BUT I have a day off tomorrow so hopefully I'll get my act together then. I also have about 400 kids' drawings from one school to scrutinize and put a sticker upon them. I'll be very choosy about which ones I share. Although, here is the highlights of pics from my other schools.
I kept it simple with my Grade 4 classes and just asked them to draw a Jack o' Lantern on a pumpkin template.
This gal went above and beyond the call of duty and drew the most adorable cosplaying cat ever!
At the cinema, I picked up an interesting flyer for a forthcoming movie.
Feel free to print this picture off and you can colour it in yourself.
Sayonara, Tyranno!
Here is a remnant from my Halloween posts that I couldn't squeeze into a regular post. Some Crypto-currency.
I'm only UMA I'm missing is the Yeti. I'll keep an eye out for it in the secondary market.
Anyway, enough for tonight, here is what I wore for the kiddies today. About one kid in each class yelled out "Remember Me" which is the Japanese title for Coco.