

It has been years since I've had a Drunken Blog Alert! Let's see what I can come up with. First up, today has been my first day off in a few weeks since I took over as a sub for a friend's Eikawa lessons. Needless to say, I'm quite exhausted from doing so and if you ever hear me complain about my current job as an ALT with Elementary school kids, you have my permission to remind me of what else I could be doing! On the plus side, the topic was body parts and ailments, so it gave me an opportunity to contort my 進撃の巨人 (shingen no kyojin) into various painful positions. "My knee hurts!" "I have a stomachache!"

Best moment of the week. In a day where I have to teach several kids of various ages, the first lesson with a group of 5 7-year old girls were thrilled to contort my Titan into various painful positions (I see some potential chiropractors or serial killers in these gals). The next three classes with older boys and girls were too squeamish to touch my Titan and pointed instead.

This meme describes my daily mood over the last 11 days.

Apart from work, I haven't had much energy to accomplish much, so I've led a rather reclusive life of late. I did pop into the Game Center next to Movix the other day.

I landed these two knock-off Jurassic beasts for only 300 yen! (That's three tries to score two prizes.)

At the Mall Game Center, this figure of Blue cost me a bit more, but still less than 1000 yen.

Last night, I scored this jacket. The poster above the display had a sexy anime couple so I expected the garment to sport the same characters. Nope! This is what it looks like.

Still, it's a nice jacket, though a tad snug. If anyone can identify the anime in question, let me know.

I had a bit of time before Solo, so I popped into a nearby Book Market. There were several otaku goods for sale but the only ones that I dropped my cash for are as follows:

This Shin-Godzilla larva was half the price I usually see it go for, so I snapped it up. There were two others at full price, but I balked at paying that. (Added bonus. When it was rung up, an extra 10% was knocked off.)

I also scored this Kubrick Indy. It was sans packaging so I'm not sure how to pose it, but it seemed to have all its attachments. Dan-da datta, dan dataa. Dan da datta, dan ta dan taa ta...

I also scored this Bobblehead Penguin for only five bucks. I thought I'd broken its umbrella, but as a Facebook pal noted, the brolly was snapped before I got my mitts on it.


In Gatcha news, I espied this Jurassic World machine and I dropped my 300 yen to see what I'd get.

I scored Blue. It was much larger than I expected so I plan to try for the whole set but this machine was empty!

The whole reason for this drunken rant started with tonight's dinner and lecture. It started with salmon sashimi yet alas, this is the only pic I took.

The rest of the meal was very Canadian and delightful though I didn't snap pictures as I ate. Note: the soup was Green Peas. This allowed several "Green Peace/ Give Peas a Chance" jokes to follow.

The lecturer was a dude I'd never met yet he was pretty cool. He joined us for a few brew after the ado. (I may hit him up for a job if I ever tire of my current gig.)

There was a string quartet during dinner. When they played the National Anthem, Alex and I (and one Japanese dude) stood and sang along. For their encore, they played the anthem again and, this time, they insisted that everyone stand for it. Once again, I sang along and a few of the photographers snapped or filmed my oration. Full disclosure: I did NOT sing the latest PC lyrics for I have not yet learned them!

Since I started my ramble, I've managed to consume three different Chuhai. So Cheers to all of you who have stuck it out this far!

My next entry may be composed in a slightly more sober state though I'm sure it'll be just as incoherent.

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