
Night of the Triffids!

I should probably save this post until next month (for the Countdown to Halloween) but I just finished watching the BBC version of The Day of the Triffids and I'm inspired. (Admittedly a few beers has aided in my inspiration.) The Day of the Triffids has always been my favourite book and I'm surprised that I've never written here about it before. I'm pretty sure that this is the cover of the edition that I had as a teen and I read and reread it several times over the years.

I also recognize these two editions, so I suspect that I bought them in my post-secondary school years.


I have probably seen the 1962 version three or four times and I'll probably watch it again after I finish writing this.


(Btw, I should probably put in a *Drunken Blogging Alert* now. This will protect me from typos and misinformation.)

Aside: I just found a copy of it in Japanese, I should probably try and track it down.

Oh, I just found a preview of the '62 version トリフィドの日 with Japanese subtitles...

Okay, back to the version that I just watched. 
Dang, standout performance by Eddie Izzard as the most evil dude when he wants to be! ( Please forgive the usage of the term Dude. I know he/him goes by she/her = Suzie these days. Regardless EVIL!!)
Dougray Scott: He never did get to play Wolverine, though he was a rogue agent in Mission Impossibler (MI2). I also remember him as both Jekyll & Hyde and as a bit part in Fear the Walking Dead. He was great as the protagonist in TDotT.
His dad is played by none other than Brian Cox. Apart from being the original Hannibal, he has a few Red movies as well. Red Eye, Red (2008), Red (2010)and Red II.
Joely Richardson: terrific job as the newscaster/voice of Britain. Wracking my brain trying to remember her famous parental units.
Holy Crap! Her mom is Vanessa Redgrave! (I had to look it up.) VR plays the sinister Mother Superior!
The rest of the cast is pretty good as well, but no names to speak of. Oh wait...Jason Priestly too!

Here is a preview. Try and find a good copy of it online. The first chapter I streamed and it was choppy. I had to resort to a poor YouTube copy for part 2.

There's also a mini-series from 1982. I think I saw it once. I don't remember it well. Here is an online copy, I'll probably watch it tomorrow.

Triffids hooked me on John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris and I spent a lot of time in High School scouring the used bookstores for any and all of his works. This was back before the days of Google, where you had to look at the index of his works, including a few trips to the Spaced Out Library. He also wrote under different pseudonyms of his very long name (such as John Beynon). Apart from TDotT, I also enjoyed The Crysalids (Rebirth), The Trouble with Lichen, Chocky and The Midwich Cuckoos. These are off the top of my head and I didn't need to Google them!

Anyway, I'm going to go to bed with my headphones on and watch the 1962 version as I drift off to sleep. 

UPDATE: I finished watching the 1962 version and it still holds up well. One quibble: It totally rips off the ending of the M. Night Shamalamadingdong's movie Signs!

UPDATE: I remember now the comic adaptation in Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction. I loved that mag!

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