
Batman's Shark Repellent.

I just finished watching Jurassic Shark 3: Seavenge and it's movies like this that make me wish I had some of Batman's Shark Repellent*.

Here are some positives and negatives for this cinematic messterpiece.
Plus: Runtime is only 74 minutes. 
Minus: Some of that runtime rehashes previous scenes in a dream sequence.
Plus: I kind of liked the score.
Minus: Everything else. Acting was atrocious. "Special" Effects were laughable. Sound Effects were equally dismal, the noise the shark makes is similar to what a growling dog utters when pulling on a squeaky toy.
Plus: That's a kick-ass poster!
Minus: The writing and plot were mind-numbingly bad. But...
Plus: There is a twist ending that is also bad but unexpected. Click here if you're brave enough to spoil the twist.

Did I waste 74 minutes watching this? Yes. Do I regret doing so? No.

Scroll up a bit and you'll see an * beside Batman's Shark Repellent. Today just happens to be Batman Day and it's my way of segueing into that. According to this article, the Shark Repellent from the 1966 movie has been made canon into the DC Universe!

The Effects in that movie are almost 60 years old and are still superior to those of Jurassic Shark.

So, speaking of Batman. What with it being the 100th Anniversary of Warner Bros., they've been mashing their properties together for a while now. Scroll down to the bottom of this post for some examples. (Okay, I'll save you the trouble of a click and show you one of the Clear Files.)

What "Bugs" me is that I paid over 3 bucks for a Clear File and now the supermarket is giving them away for free (with the purchase of 4 drinks).

Here are two Super-Files:

I may show these off again next month during the annual Countdown to Halloween 2023.

Yesterday, I just happened to drop into a UFO Catcher location and landed a couple of Eggs. 

These contain Jelly Beans and I'll save them to give to my students next month. I always preferred Tom over Jerry so it's good to see him as Batman and his nemesis the Jeroker. (Jerry-Joker)

In conclusion, HAPPY BATMAN DAY! Celebrate with Jerry Jelly Beans or go spray a Shark or something!

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