
Scream and Scream Again Again!

 Although I'd like to comment on the classic Price/Lee/Cushing movie...

(Aside: I just did a Mytwoyenworth check and I've used the "Scream and Scream Again" title twice already! Therefore this blogpost title has been altered. 
ps. This is one of the rare occasions in recent history whereupon I have been blogging under the influence. So base any incoherence accordingly.) 

...I am instead commenting on the latest movie in the SCREAM franchise. I am unable to ascertain when its Japanese release date is so therefore, I have been forced to succumb to less than legitimate sources to watch this classic.

I have been unable to ascertain what its release date here is. Maybe it was released weeks ago or maybe it will be released three months from now. 

Heh, no matter. Here's a trailer.

Regardless, I had a free evening and a few beers, so I decided to watch Scream VI even though I don't think I've seen a Scream since Part II, maybe III.

And this is the best song in the entire franchise.

What follows is me spamming my friends as I watch the movie. Consider it the equivalent of Twitter without a Twitter account.

At this point I had run out of brew (Only 4 in 1 hour. Cue many pee breaks.) Therefore I had to break out the big guns...I opened my GODZILLA SAKE!

Okay, my ability to copy screen caps of my conversations went awry. The next entry reads:
"I gotta say. This is a well done movie. The sake ain't very tasty though."
The next entry:

Damn, I meant to crop out my friends' names but I'm too pissed and lazy to go back and do it again.

Okay, ultimately I didn't understand the ending. Or for that matter the entirety of the last few minutes. Then again, like I said I have missed a few movies. Hopefully aficionados of the Screamers will get it.

Was it worth watching? Yes. Will I watch it again when it shows up in theaters here? Maybe. IF I take the time to view Scream III,IV,&V. Perhaps. I had a lot of fun getting drunk and watching it and spamming my friends and drinking more and blogging about it!

Follow up...Here are a few more pictures of the Sake I consumed after the beers disappeared.

Inevitably I had munchies and the only snackable item I had available was this set of Onibaba Cookies I happened to have lying around.

It hit the spot. But alas, No one else will be able to sample them. They all got consumed.

Consensus. Scream VI Okay. Ending confusing. Worth watching? Yes. Wednesday Addams gal* cuteness factor? Off the charts.
*Jenna Ortega

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