
Across the Milky Way.

Once again, it's Tanabata season, the time when one can tie a wish on a bamboo branch, fight the crowds amidst banners of origami, and hope that it isn't TOO cloudy so that Orihime and Hikoboshi can catch a glimpse of each other across the Milky Way. I've been to the Star Festival several times in the past, and just click on the Tanabata label at the bottom of this entry to see past years. If you're new to the banner-event, this link, Tanabata Sendai will teach you some history and educate you so you can make your own decorations.

My journey earlier today started at Mediateque and ended at the Disney Store. I didn't have time to tour much longer for I only had a 2-hour break between lessons.

A juggler and Dice-aficionado performed for the crowd. I still haven't figured out how to embed YouTube shorts, so click Dicey for a sampling of his skill.

These gals in Yukata could be found posing and at a booth where one could write down their Wishy-Washy Washi Wish.

Before I began my trek, I powered up with a Loki and some Yakitori from one of the many booths set up.

What follows are innumerable banners which I'll present without much interruption.

I thought this Lion was sporting a Seibu Lions cap but I looked it up and I'm wrong. Can you identify the logo for me?

I took a break and chatted with my Gatcha-Guy. No new Godzilla goods available in Capsule form yet.

He does have quite the display though. Too bad none of them are for sale. 
Oh a spooooky light. Halloween is coming!

I grabbed a Catbus-Gatcha outside the Totoro Plant shop. I tried assembling it later to no avail. I'll try again when I'm not distracted.

Hold on! Is that a Canadian flag I see?

Yay! And it's atop a banner of ghosts!
ps. A big heads up to my fellow Canucks. Have a Happy Heritage Day on August 7th!

En route back from Disney, I took a 7-minute video as I clumsily scurried back before I was late for my next lesson. 


Finally, my last banner was at NHK where my lesson was. Hey, I just noticed something. ALL the banners are nothing but advertisements for some company!! Ha!

My day didn't end, for after my lesson I drove to Zuihoden Mausoleum, but that's a story for later. It's bedtime for me...

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