
Borrows Burroughs.

Oops, I missed the birthday of Edgar Rice Burroughs yesterday. Since it was almost 150 years ago, I doubt that he'd notice. When I was back in Toronto, I went through my box of Burroughs with Frank Frazetta covers, hoping to sell them and get them out of Bob's basement. I took photos of them all, if I'd remembered to do so, I could have borrowed from an old post of mine and saved myself the trouble. 

I made a mashup of the pics, so you can either look at the originals above or these:

Hey, I also discovered that I own a copy of Death Dealer, one of Frank Frazetta's more famous creations. (Click that link for a few more details on Frank.)

Furthermore, I have a handful of Weird Worlds comics but I can't access them from my phone for some reason. I'll try again tomorrow.
I got 'em...



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