
Jazz Fest Wrap up.

I'm just going to throw a whole lot of photos here and then comment on the ones I recall. (I really should have written this two weeks ago!)

Ah it appears that just grabbing a bunch of photos and transferring them doesn't necessarily do so in order. SO, they're all mixed up! Sigh...

Photo taken in Mediatheque after popping in for a pee. Probably the 4th band I saw. They were called SIQ.

I went to Motokajicho Park (I think that's what it's called) in order to hear a recommended band.

Much to my surprise, my pal, Meg, was there on Keyboards!

The next group were called the Seven Jams and they are based in Shichigahama, where I teach twice a month. The vocalist has a great singing voice and sang a rare Carpenters tune.

Continuing to hang with these two reprobates (the dudes below, not the gals above), and listened to bluesy/ rocky tunes on the rocks.

Speaking of reprobates, this guy sought me out for one of my treats (KitKats) but sadly, I had run out.

My friends left and was forced to amuse myself on my own.
Here's a sample of my hijinks. The wee lass dancing sure put my efforts to shame!


I pooped myself out and received a message from a friend. He was at Oktoberfest so I shot over there like a bullet. And I missed the act though I did catch the aforementioned Meg

And my buddy had skipped out by the time I got there for he had run to Toho to see the premiere of Alien Romulus. So I joined him belatedly. I missed the opening and drunkenly dozed through the first 30 minutes or so. Then I confusedly watched the rest of the movie.

THAT was Saturday, Sunday was for more low key for me. I didn't run into anyone I know and thanks to a dodgy gyutan on a stick, I ran into the runs and retired early.

I started the day at Nishi Koen and caught a few minutes of each act as I walked through the park.

Is that a Triffid? Phew, only a sunflower.

It ain't the Jazz fest until you've heard some a capella group singing "I Will Follow You" from Sister Act!

Moving down the road, I caught a few of the Indie Jazz groups warbling on Jozenji Street.

Back into Mediatheque for a pee. (Rookie attendees take note. Go to the second floor and the queue to the loo is shorter.)

A cool retrospective of all the Jazz fest posters since it first started.

More random groups including the above Junior Orchestra blasting out Brazil!

After a quick conbini break to grab a Fanta

I head back to Motokajicho Park, just in time to hear my favourite Ska band, The Panamans!

My tummy was beginning to feel the effects of the gyutan, so I decided to call it quits. I caught a few more bands en route to the subway.

That last group was a "comedy" duo who I didn't find particularly amusing.

Since that day was also Star Trek Day, I wore my STtNG cap for the occasion.

That's it for the Jozenji Jazz fest for another year. Except for the tummy troubles near the end, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

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