
I'm Ticked Off!!

The last time I intended on writing in my blog was January 9th, almost 9 months ago! I started, then faltered, then tried again, got writer's block, made another attempt, aborted my mission, then realized I'd let it go too long! What I planned to write was about these Godzilla Burgers at McDonalds. They have disappeared since then.


A. Spicy Thick Beef & Potato. B. Smoky Pepper Chicken. C. Cheese Double Teriyaki.




To my recollection, they weren't very edible. The best was probably the Chicken.

More important than the food was this Godzilla/Be@rBrick/McDonalds collaboration they had going on.


Although I was broke back then, I did manage to scrape together enough to order one.

I am pleased with this. I was less pleased when they took it from an exclusive set, only ordered online with a deadline, to selling them over the counter in stores. Ah well. They have doubled in price if you try to find one in the used market these days.

These were all to promote Godzilla Minus One way back when. Since then Gojira has won an Oscar!


Okay. That's what I would have written 9 months ago. I need to get back into the swing of things considering the Countdown to Halloween 2024 is starting next month!

I just returned from a whirlwind tour of Toronto and spent three weeks cataloguing a ton of comics, and readying them for sale. I did come across a box of Tick Toys! What ticks me off is that I can't keep them in my friend's basement much longer and need to sell them.

The only place that showed any interest was The Silver Snail. They don't buy toys per se yet were willing to consider taking them off my hands. If I had access to eBay, that would be the way to go. Or could I get them shipped here? Hmmm.

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