
Bad-Ass Angel Day!

September 29th is St. Michael's Day (or All Angels Day) AND it is also my pseudo-fake birthday. Born on Christmas means that I was ripped off from having birthday parties/cakes/presents so when I was a wee lad, we celebrated it on St. Mike's Day. This worked for a while and I could have an actual birthday party, until my sister came along on October 1st and stole my thunder.

This article explains how much St. Michael was a BAD-ASS. He appears to be a tad wussy in this picture.

Yet that is very deceiving. He kicked the arse of Lucifer and his minions.

He also slaughtered the Demon, Belial.

Read the rest of that article for more details...

To celebrate my "birthday" today, I went to the sea and took a pano shot. (Lots of beach, not so much sea.)

After that, I popped over to the Agricultural Center to check out the Straw Art. Roar!

First thing I noticed was a distinct lack of straw sculptures. NO dinosaurs, NO King Kong, NO mini Gojira Shrine. You can check out last year's straw art for those. There was a cool Dragon at the entrance though!

There were only two more! Very disappointing.

Oh, Pumpkins!

Sigh. FAKE Pumpkins.

At least there's a slight tribute to Alice that's kind of cute.

Finally, I popped inside to grab a Muscat Soft-cream.

On the way out I snapped a pic of this dog posing for its Instagram page.

All in all, rather humdrum this year. Maybe there'll be some action next month.

To perk up, I bought myself a present, HAPPY PSEUDO FAKE BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Wow, only one day left in September and then the 2024 Countdown to Halloween begins? 
What tricks and treats do I have in store? No idea!

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