
Bean there, Done that.

Busy day today. I saw the premiere of Joker Foie Gras Folie à Deux in Japan earlier, then shopping, then lazing, then watching three movies, then waiting patiently for my pc to work again, and now blogging.

More on Joker later in the week, I wore appropriate socks for the occasion. I can't find the match to either of these.

I hadn't intended on buying more Halloween decorations. 30 bucks later...

The three movies I watched were courtesy of Twitch, so I didn't have to move from my chair. 

First was pretty good, though bloody bloody. Machine Girl.

Then not as good was Meatball Machine.

And its inferior sequel, Meatball Machine Kodoku.

I found a Yokai for today from Fukushima (and all over Japan) though he seems to be a relative of Azuki Baba from a few days ago for he's another bean-washer. Azuki arai  AppearanceAzuki arai are mysterious yōkai encountered in mountainous regions all across Japan. They have many regional nicknames, a common one being azukitogi. These yōkai live deep in forests and mountains, spending their time near streams. Few actual sightings have been recorded, but they are said to be short and squat, with big, round eyes, and overall resembling Buddhist priests. They appear full of mirth with silly smiles and large hands with only three fingers.

BehaviorAzuki arai are more often heard than seen. Their main activity seems to be washing red azuki beans by the riverside while singing a dreadful song interspersed with the “shoki shoki” sound of beans being washed in a basket:

Azuki araou ka? Hito totte kuou ka? (shoki shoki)
Shall I wash my red beans, or shall I catch a human to eat? (shoki shoki)

They aren't dangerous and are quite shy so if you happen to see one, that's a good omen.

As you can see Azuki arai is rather famous and has been depicted in several stories. 

As for today's Junji outing, a friend sent me a link to this story. It's an Enigma.
Here's a sampling.

As you can see there are holes in a mountain and you squeeze into them and then stuff happens. Then this character shows up.

Not really, but it's a pretty good gag. If you want to read more, you'll have to click the link above and subscribe to some site and I wasn't gonna do that.

And now it's way past my bedtime and I have a big day tomorrow exploring the wilderness.

For some yummy, creepy recipes check out Ghoul at Heart.
See ya tomorrow, if my computer cooperates.

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