
Spiraling out.

Let's get the preliminaries out of the way, "Welcome to the 2024 Edition of the Countdown to Halloween!" As soon as I figure out how to do so (gadgets?!?) I'll add a little sidebar to my bloggy thing so you don't have to click the above link and can just click the badge to check out all the participating bloggers.

Since it's October 1st, I'll add a page from my calendar to prove it. According to this, Godzilla's 50th anniversary was 20 years ago in October with the release of Final Wars. I'll let you do the math to figure out what anniversary 2024 is. 

During the Countdown, I'll keep my Godzilla references to a minimum. I will need to save something for Govember! (Gojira + November, duh.) So instead, let's give a shoutout to my estranged and very strange sister who celebrates a birthday today! This Puffy tune showed up in my Facebook memories ten years ago when she was less estranged and less strange.

So let's get to the meat of the Countdown. Several days ago, I received a Facebook ad for a Popup store featuring Junji Ito. (Click there to zoom to his website.) I thought to myself, "Hey, why don't I feature Junji daily on my blog?" Here are the highlights of that ad.

I'd love a couple of these standees.

So, I spent the past week scouring stores for some Junji goodies, mostly to no avail. What I did find, I'll share later...

Today I watched the first episode of UZUMAKI, a creepy little anime about Spirals
I'll let you watch the show yourselves and not spoil anything (Except for this pic.)

If I can find it for a reasonable price, I might pick up the Manga.

Less likely, I'll find a cheap copy of the Colouring Book.

This clip of the ending tune (Dojoji no Kotoriuta) won't spoil much, so give it a listen.

I've amassed enough Gatcha-capsules and UFO Catcher Crap over the last while to showcase one daily.
Since this hebi (Snake) is Spirally, that's what I'll start with.

Check out the little caveat that they give you. I wouldn't dream of causing mischief with this.

I'm trying to diet (not very hard it seems) so the Treats part of Trick or Treat will be a minimum.
I saw this today at 31 (Baskin Robbins) but didn't indulge.

I also plan to feature a Yokai from my Prefecture (Miyagi), going alphabetically, we have Amazake Baba, an elderly hag who goes door to door asking for Sweet Sake (amazake). Whether you give her any or not, should you answer the door, those within the household will fall ill. (That's putting the Trick in Trick or Treat!) For some historical significance, check out the link above. Just don't answer the door!
On my way back from the local Shrine on New Year's Day, I am often offered a free cup of amazaki. I shall be a bit more discerning about accepting now.

I'd be neglectful if I didn't mention the Yokai, Rokurokubi, who has a long spirally neck. For more, go to previous blog entries here or here.

Before I go, I had a difficult time finding someone who has already started their October blog yet (pesky time difference), but I did discover one by Alexis so go check them out.

Be back tomorrow, Same Bat-time, Same Bat-Channel for more Halloween hijinks.

1 comment:

Deadpan Flook said...

Looking forward to this year's posts... Have a great Countdown! :)


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