Tomorrow is the 3rd official Pirate's Jig Party, this time with some famous Japanese rockers to join in the festivities. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of information in English for you, but here is the Japanese lowdown:
★伊藤心太郎(Key / SEGA ROCKS)
★鮫島秀樹(Ba / THE SONS ex.ハウンドドッグ)
★はたけ(Gu / シャ乱Q)
★LEVIN(Dr / THE HUSKY ex.ラクリマクリスティー)
〒983-0852 宮城県仙台市榴岡2-3-27-202
TEL.022-393-6364 FAX.022-393-7450 Mail INFO こちら 不在の際は 090-1492-6535
Click on the pictures above or any of the links to get some more information...
Basically it's at SENDAI CLUB JUNK BOX which is in the lowest basement of FORUS for only 3000-3500¥. Come on down, enjoy some Rock 'n Roll and contribute to a worthy cause. All proceeds go to help an orphanage for homeless and abused children. If you have some old/new toys or kids' clothes hanging around, bring them along and make a kid happy.
For those of you who give a rat's ass about these sort of things, be forewarned that what follows are the NHL Pool Picks for a few of us Sendai dwellers (Sendaites? Sendaians?) The *asterisked* comments are from our Pool-pro DJ Mokugohan (Alex). I expect him to do well since he actually plays the sport and knows who some of these players are. At the bottom of the page are the results of the first-round elimination with some surprising results...
DAVE'S British Bloke Blitzers
* I didn't tell Dave to avoid more than one player in the top 10 in scoring but I guess his powerhouse guys can balance his handicap (of being British). Zidliwhooey?
ROB'S Cup-Ring Ringers
(F) T. Selanne (SAN JOSE)
(F) C. Higgens (MONTREAL)
(F) S. Gomez (NEW YORK)
(D) Z. Chara (BOSTON)
(D) S. Zubov (DALLAS)
(D) D. Hamhuis (NASHVILLE)
(G) C. Price (MONTREAL)
* Wish I'd picked Gomez. He always shows up for the playoffs (3 points in his 1st game!). Another Nashville Player- another reason to cheer against the Red Wings.
(Aside from me: Hmmm. Rob cheated and chose two Montreal players!)
Andy's California Cup Contenders:
(F) A. Ovechkin (WASHINGTON)
(F) A. Kovalev (MONTREAL)
(F) J. Sakic (COLORADO)
(F) R. Getzlaf (ANAHEIM)
(D) N. Lidstrom (DETROIT)
(D) S. Gonchar (PITTSBURGH)
(D) B. Campbell (SAN JOSE)
(G) M. Brodeur (NEW JERSEY)
*Now Ovechkin isn't just carrying the Caps- he has to produce points for you when Kovalev starts coasting and the Sharks get knocked out in the 1st!
Mike's Conference Marauders:
(D) P. Brisbois (MONTREAL)
(F) J. Spezza (OTTAWA)
(F) J. Thorton (SAN JOSE)
(F) J. Sakic (COLORADO)
(D) S. Neidermeyer (ANAHEIM)
(G) M. Kipprosoff (CALGARY)
* Even though Spezza's from Brampton he's still a Senator, the team about to be bitchslapped by the Pens.
Alex's A-hole GoalGetters:
(D) C. Pronger (ANAHEIM)
(F) S. Crosby (PITTSBURGH)
(F) P. Forsberg (COLORADO)
(F) T. Plekanec (MONTREAL)
(D) M. Green (CAPITALS)
(D) B. Rafalski (DETROIT)
(F) P. Marlau (SAN JOSE)
(G) M. Kipprosoff (CALGARY)
* Nobody tell my dad I chose someone from the hated Habs.
Andreas' Swedish Erotic Elite:
(Forward) H. Zetterburg (Detroit)
(Defense) Douglas Murrey (San Jose)
(Forward) Kristian Huselius (Calgary)
(Forward) Nicholas Backstrom (Washington)
(Defense) Kim Johnsonn (Minnesota)
(Forward) Peter Forsberg (Colorado)
(Defence) Mattius Norstrom (Dallas)
(Goalie) Henrik Lundquist (New York)
*Yes, Douglas Murrey IS Swedish. I looked it up in "The Big Book Of Skating Swedes". There aren't enough guys named Thor in the league.
I've put the surviving teams in italics, so you can follow us into the next round...
After 1st round:
Andreas & Rob- 26 points each, Mike- 27, Andy- 40, Alex- 41 and the winner so far is Dave- 42!!
This post has been brought to you by SPAM, the luncheon meat of the Sendai NHL fanbase.
It's that time again ladies and gentlemen for that event of epic proportions, Echophonyk. Our organizer/promoter/gofer, DJ Mixture has designated the April event, Spring Shuffle.
Here is the funky flyer front from our very own DJ/VJ Nori's N DESIGN STUDIO. Enjoy its swirly smokey goodness.
You can click on the pic to read the fine print, but for those of you with astigmatism, here's the lineup and other info.
□GUEST-LIST□ ¥1500 1 Drink
¥2000 1 drink
¥2000 2 drink (With Flyer!)
Thanks to DUG, we have LIVE SOUND RECORDING. So if you can't make it to the event, click on the little blue link and you can listen to spinning DJs at any time!
Shuffle on down with a Spring in your step to SPRING SHUFFLE!
The latest insurgence by the sweet-tooth army are Brazilian Pudding Pocky and Pudding-flavoured KitKat. I haven't tried the Pocky yet, but the KitKat has a butterscotchy-taste with a tinge of coconut. Quite Yummy.
For some reason, Pudding in Japan is プリン or purin (there is no sound equivalent for the syllable di in Japanese, so that is probably why.)
Thus Sanrio has named their canine entry, a good natured golden lab, プリン/ Purin or Pudding-Dog.
Here for you is a picture of PomPom Purin from the hit Hello Kitty Musical and here is a snippet from it (you must be very brave to hit that link...diabetics are warned not to do so.)
If you'd like to join the Sanrio-gang in playing games, you will have to sign up to do so. If you haven't overdosed on all that sweetness, try out the Purin-dance!
Thanks to this guy, I have just discovered a new love. the awfully awful ripoff, known as Star Crash. The soundtrack by the famous (now infamous) John Barry (John Williams remixed via Man of La Mancha); the cheesy, yet captivating stop-motion fx; the skimpily-bikinied Stella Star; the lovelier, yet still skimpily-attired, Caroline Munro of Sinbad fame; the over-acting of Canadian thespian Christopher Plummer; the internationally acclaimed, yet rarely ever seen, Marjoe Gortner; and the abysmal, though captivating, David Hasselhoff are but a few of the joys that this Star Warsian clone has to offer.
A few days back, we saw Part I of the geeky goodness that is HyperHobby. I'll now wrap it up with a few more up-and-coming goodies:
Hey, look kids! Lots more mini-figure thingies. We have a capybara (cuter than what you see in the link), llama & friends; DragonBall & pals; プリキュア 5 GoGo (Puricura-5-GoGo, sort of Sailormoon meets Pikachu??); the トナカイ (Tonakai=reindeer) from One-Piece; incredibly cute Lupin III figures, ポキットモンスターダイモンド&パールスーパDX (Pocket-monsters Diamond & Pal Super DX) from the new Pikachu movie and some GeGeGe no Kitaro figures.
Here's a close up on those GeGeGe Guys.
I have no idea what these guys represent, but they sure are hideous.
I sure hope that's a mushroom she's sitting on or there is something oh-so-wrong about that model.
These are the dorkiest looking Peanuts characters I've ever seen, and I've seen many!
Even more GeGeGe goodies.
On the left are some mini-bottles enwrapped in a classic Snoopy strip and on the right are mini-Pez dispensers featuring the One-Piece gang.
Above is something called Xeno-Saga; below are the Cyborg 009 gang.
This is the funniest thing ever! ベンキモンスターズ=Benki-monsutas or Monsters in your Toilet! I highly recommend you click on that link and check out the Potty-Freaks for yourself.
A bit more Lupin III on the left and some more HGIF characters on the right.
Ultimate Godzilla Strikes Again!
All kinds of nerdy goodness for the Star Whore in you.
Three elementary school kids who come with their own screaming homunculus and matching-coloured poo!
From our friends at HotToys, presenting clockwise from left, we have Dallas & Kane exploring the Alien's nest and it comes with an acid-melted helmet! Only 19800¥ which is just under 200$! In honour of the Year of the Mouse, we have a whole whack of Disney characters dressed up in traditional Chinese garb, just in time for the Olympics. The larger ones go for almost 250 bucks a piece, but the tinier set of 5 are only 10$ a pop. Sly from Rocky 3 poses for just 16800¥ and then a classic James Dean for 17800¥! I've already ordered mine!
Chucky, Bride of Chucky & Good Guys at incredibly expensive prices!
Up top are these incredibly odd cupie-doll/anime character hybrids. Very cute/very creepy! Below are some Astroboy guitars but at over 150 bucks, you'd better be a Hendrix or a Clapton.
Just a whole whack of monsters to add to your collection.
I don't think Poppa Jones is joining Indy in the next sequel, so his figure may not sell well.
These mashed up Star Wars figures are called チャビー or Chubbies...not exactly how you want to market it in North America!
It's a Sock MonkeyBearbrick which doesn't work well as a finger puppet.
Speaking of Bearbrick, here is a Sweeney Todd version that'll come with the DVD release.
How to get to Pocky Street? Click on the big Pocky in the middle of that link, and it'll take you here, which is downtown Pocky Street. So let's take a walk around the block and see what we can find.
On ENJOY Street, I found a Photos Gallery with dozens of photos of people mugging for the camera, mostly young gals and kids having fun, but surprisingly few consuming Pocky. I can't manage to copy any, so you'll have to peruse them on your own. I saw one pic with 5 teens holding giant Pocky light sabers, so I have provided you with a picture of my personal Pocky light saber which is about a meter long.
We also get the Pocky Board which if you click upon the box of Pocky sticks, you'll get randomly splayed Pocky sticks which you can then move around and make shapes. Sort of a cross between Pick-up Sticks & Etch-a-sketch. Not overly exciting, but maybe there are rules that I can't decipher.
No street is complete without some Japanese-HipHop (JipJop?) boys breakdancing, so thank goodness they provide Street Dance Lesson. I've provided you with a photo of one hep dude busting a move. Below that Lesson is the Dance Study page and I'll be damned if I can tell the difference.
The Pocky Webcam provides you with a quick video of a whole bunch more photos. Not much different from ENJOY Street except now the photos are provided in a slideshow with a poppy J-pop tune.
I'm not exactly sure what this is all about, but it has a heck of a lot of pictures of this cubed guy named Pokitomo (Pocky-tomodachi which stands for Pocky-friend.)
On the CM Street page, there are several commercials you can view, most of them starring 新垣結衣 or 19-year old model, Yui Aragaki. In this Making of CM, she bops around holding a pair of Pocky.
I'll trust you to click around on Event Street on your own. It looks like it gets patrolled fairly regularly, so you should be safe.
You'd better be up on your Japanese lingo, for when you walk down O-Sha-Be-Ri Street, you'll be reading various Blogs in Japanese, including our main gal above, Yui.
To no real shock, on Game Street, you'll find several different games, including Pocky Shuffle which is nothing but a game of 3-card Monte using a Pocky box and a Pokitomo or Pocky Balloon which is a rather challenging dart game.
The reason I visited Pocky Street in the first place is I wanted to see if they had this there: Hello Kitty has teamed up with Green Tea flavoured Pocky to whet your taste buds.
When you're done snacking, you can then cut the box apart to make your own board game!
That's the latest update on Pocky-mania, but we all know you really tune into my blog for the latest update on KitKat. Fortunately for you, today I discovered a new Kinako KitKat which is 黄粉 or Soybean flavoured KitKat that comes in a tiny 2-inch long, 2-wafer sample for 42 yen. It tasted unsurprisingly like chocolate covered soybeans!
One of the comic blogs I read is this ProgressiveRuin guy who writes a monthly biopsy of the Diamond Previews Catalog and considers the wacky contents to be a precursor to the end of the world. I just went through the monthly HyperHobby Catalog and I don't see any Horsemen of the Apocalypse galloping over the horizon, I see a hope for mankind!
First up are some Scene of Fame Ultra-villains. They look pretty awesome and it seems like you can paint them yourself. I hate that do-it-yourself stuff, I don't have time for my geekiness, I need it on demand.
Manoman, I hope I hear about my f/t job soon, because these babies are released in a few weeks. Nasty versions of the Gegege monsters. I can't wait!
Momolita, Momolita men have named you. Creepy dolls that look like they walked out of Lolita.
More dolls, less creepy.
Okay, this might be an apocalyptic sign, Vidal Sassoon Barbie. Can she get any skinnier?
These bunny-eared dolls are pretty eerie, but not quite a 666 sign.
These are a lot cuter than the other dolls featured and I'm amused by the Tweety DAL but it'll cost you over a 140 bucks!
I haven't played any games in ages, so I'm not about to run out and get テュロック but I'd like to see the movie and I dearly loved those Dell Turok comics in the 60's and to a lesser extent, 90's. Look out for Honkers!
Just in time for AVP2 comes a box set.
I didn't see any Cloverfield paraphernalia when I saw the movie on Monday, so I don't even know what this is!
Wow, this catalog even lists Museum displays! I love my dinosaurs but I don't know if I can afford a trip to Tokyo right now. Hmm, unless I get a convenient Job Interview.
I might just check this particular Museum out for its pure cheese factor. Mulder would love this Alien display!
Hey it's another Godzilla collection of DVDs. These are SOOO expensive here, I hope these are a little cheaper.
Oh if these things actually work as ケータイ (cell phones), I really want one. Maybe the red one...
You say you want aFraulein Revolutech? They come with their own 3-toed bear feet and paws!
I've never been a big fan of the giant transforming robot craze, but it comes in a giant head. A...Giant...Head!
And what collection would be complete without some more colourful beetles? I have a huge bag of these insects and dinosaurs and other assorted animals. Anyone want them?
I see these ほねほねザウルズ (hone-hone saurus = dino-skeletons) in the supermarket all the time and at only a buck & a half, are a pretty good bargain.
Clockwise from left: Chara cubes, seals with their own meal, polka-dotted cars and capybara keychains. All incredibly cute and puke inducing.
More Ultra-Mania.
Even more Ultra Mania.
Multi-coloured Kitty-chan as Panda chains. This one could be apocalyptical but are no where near as cute as these baby panda.