
Wan-Chan of the Jazz Fest!

Woof. I'm still a little pooped from the Jazz Fest this weekend, so I'll just treat you to the dogs I met yesterday and today!!

Here's a close up.

Dog owners really do love it when you can identify their pup's breed. Some are easier than others.

Finally and most impressive were these two massive poodles.

Since today was Star Trek Day, I wore the only garment I own related to the franchise.

If I get around to it, I'll showcase some of the musicians next time.



It 's that time of year again, when Sendai opens its open spaces to musicians.  This Jazzish festival includes bands of all genres, let's see if we hear any actual jazz tomorrow. Try this link for information. I know I'll be getting up early and fight the cloudy weather (will it rain? The forecast says no but history dictates yes). Here's this year's poster, it's on fire!

 Hopefully I'll grab a few more of these Fruit Zombies. I have an Apple and a Peach so far.

Here's the rest of the lineup.

I didn't opt for these overpriced Bread Zombies (Pan Dead). They obviously succumbed to the PANdemic.

Off to bed now, I have a full weekend of debauchery ahead of me!


Back to the Beach...with Aquaman!

I popped over to the beach in Shichigahama on Wednesday and wondered around Shobutahama

That derrick must have been pumping something sludgy onto the beach for Mera doesn't seem to be coping well.

Their companion, a sea turtle, has seen better days.

Aquaman wasn't looking all that healthy either.

Help Kelp!

At least the little birdies were enjoying themselves.

I treated myself to a Shine at Nana's.

All in all, a nice day for me. I can't speak for Aquaman, Mera or Aquababy!


Goya Kaiju!

I've only seen the Goya Gatcha a few times and thus I only own 2 of them.


Today, I bought a Goya that looks as though it could be carved into a Kaiju. On further scrutiny, I think it'd make a good Crow!

Now I just need some legs and maybe some googly eyes and I'm all set.

I was inspired by this Sweet Potato and thought it'd make a pretty good Manda or a Sea Serpent. Alas, this was an afterthought. I didn't buy it.

Hopefully I'll find some interesting veggies closer to Halloween to do some funky carvings then.


Borrows Burroughs.

Oops, I missed the birthday of Edgar Rice Burroughs yesterday. Since it was almost 150 years ago, I doubt that he'd notice. When I was back in Toronto, I went through my box of Burroughs with Frank Frazetta covers, hoping to sell them and get them out of Bob's basement. I took photos of them all, if I'd remembered to do so, I could have borrowed from an old post of mine and saved myself the trouble. 

I made a mashup of the pics, so you can either look at the originals above or these:

Hey, I also discovered that I own a copy of Death Dealer, one of Frank Frazetta's more famous creations. (Click that link for a few more details on Frank.)

Furthermore, I have a handful of Weird Worlds comics but I can't access them from my phone for some reason. I'll try again tomorrow.
I got 'em...




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