
PC Woes.

I was lamenting my lack of an operable computer when I thought, let’s see if I can use my phone. 

So here we go!

Well, look at that. It worked! I brought a half dozen sweet potatoes in and encouraged my students to go nuts. They all* did a great job if I do say so. 
*Except one. Not only did he hog all the carving from his partners, he also drained all the gas on my candle lighter trying to heat up some yam. Sigh. 

In the other class of 18, I gave them a choice of six DVDs and they wanted to see the American version of Ring. Unfortunately it took too long trying to get it set up that we couldn’t watch a 115 minute flick. So we watched “Lost Boys” instead. About only six were interested, the rest snoozed or played on their phones. Sigh. 

Last Friday when I played volleyball (my knees are still aching), I wore this mask and a couple of different kids said, “Spider-man!”  I couldn’t figure out why. I took a few selfies and noticed that I need to adjust the eyeholes properly or it loses its appeal. Take a look. 

It’s a generic Jack o’lantern mask though I suppose since it covers my entire face it could be construed as Spidey. Or maybe they’re mixing it up with Green Goblin. A mystery. 

Speaking of Jack, I carved up a Colin Key Melon to a pretty good result. 

Oops. I should’ve cropped that. 

Okay I’m going to try a link to a brief video. 
Nope, that didn’t work. You’ll have to copy and Google it yourself. https://youtu.be/4w5LQNCUYuc?si=3_gJuw1wf24Yn8n_

Here are some Mall Minions. I think there’s a Stamp Rally but I was rushed for time. 

I’m still working out the bugs of a phone entry, so I’ll call it a night for now. 

(Hmm not sure how to add labels. Never mind.)

1 comment:

Caffeinated Joe said...

Looks like your phone post was successfully. And the video link is clickable. Love the fun you had with your students. Never carved anything other than a pumpkin. Maybe I should try a smaller gourd myself.


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