
Have a Nice Enoshima Day!

The forecast claimed there'd be an afternoon of cloudiness only. (*Spoiler alert: it rained.) So we decided to head to Kamakura to check out the big Buddha. First stop was 江の島  Enoshima Island (island redundancy intended) and as this picture relates, it's very charming.

A trek across this bridge and along the way were the first of many Dragons.

Two seconds later, I caught a glimpse of a copter above the Dragon pillar.



(Embiggen this pic and you can see a bird of prey upon the lamppost on the left.)

For such a gloomy day, it sure was crowded so we opted to avoid the big shrine.

More dragons!

My favourite dragon...

My new favourite dragon...

I emerge from the time portal...

It's like I've entered into another time period!


These two dudes are Nio and Kongorikishi, guardian dogs of Buddha's temples.

It was right here when my umbrella decided to implode.

From atop the island's peak, a peek to pique your interest. (You can't accuse me of being a homophone-phobe.)

Oooh, I love turtles!

My new new favourite dragon.

En route to the Iwaya Caves...

I love the interior lighting of the caves. They used ornate umbrellas to block direct light and add a certain mysterious mood to the trek.

Other lighting was provided by these cylinders. I don't think they bought them at IKEA.

Within the bowels of the cave...

Hold on, there's two caves! Cool, more spelunking...

Okay, definitely my absolutely favourite Dragon ever!

A selfie and a slug. (I'll let you determine which is which.)

And so ends a journey to Enoshima and the Iwaya Caves. After hours of trekking up and down stairs in the rain, we decided to abort a trip to Kamakura. Another time, I suppose...

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