
Oh, a-spelunking we shall go!

On May 3rd, I made my way to Koriyama by Shinkansen but had to wait 70 minutes for my train to Abukuma-do.
Once I arrived at the station, there was no bus to the cave, so I split a cab with a fellow Albertan and his wife. Kim & Kumiko weren't up to the more difficult exploratory "Cave Carson" route, so we took the basic trek through the cavern, which was conveniently laid out with metal trails and staircases.

There's no use explaining each picture since I can't remember which is which. I recall that they gave metaphorical names to some unique stalactites/ stalagmites/ columns but it's up to you to figure them out. Some examples are: "mushroom", "Christmas tree", etc.

Love those Koi ponds!
A whizzing statuette over the pond.

For the professional spelunkers amongst my readership, you may be interested in learning more about the Geology of Japan, specifically Abukuma-cave which is a Karst cave. And if you're really interested, you could join the Speological Society of Japan.

Since this cave is largely formed from a Limestone deposit, it is about 15℃ year round. This makes it an ideal refrigerated storage area for wine.

Next time (maybe next summer) I play Captain Caveman will possibly be: Ryusen-do in Iwate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I want see your Captain Caveman :)


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