
Nice Skies Finish Last.

I had the pleasure of driving in the rain to Yamagata (actually a small nearby town called Nagai) and in the fog on the way back. Still I managed to snap off a few nice pics en route.

 (The sky from this post's title.)

Is that a giant Kokeshi atop that mountain (Click the pic to check for yourself.)

 These top four were taken on the way home.

A clowder of cats, 9 in total, at the chapel. I couldn't get any closer else they'd disperse.

 Awesome little tree frog amidst the cedars.

I'd be remiss if I didn't make a trip to the Yamagata Mandai. Always some cool vintage embiggened posters, this one has King Kong and Le Magicien d'Oz.

Thanks to a quick Googling, it appears that the artwork was taken from this poster.

I found the store itself to be a little pricey and for some odd reason, all the best Godzilla goods were at the top of the display and I had to ascend a rickety footstool to access them. I still managed to find an Orga from Godzilla 2000.

 The second live movie really sucked but this t-shirt doesn't.

A Bearbrick X-man and Loki.

 Finally, Loki's half-brother and nemesis: Angry Baby Thor!

Ya gotta go to Yamagata someday.

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