

Tomorrow, I find out whether I'll be free of my ギブズ (cast) or whether I'll be bound for another 2 weeks. Thus, it's important to see some shots of me looking cool in front of a big screen Tanabata banner while I'm still

Tonight my moved my sorry ass out of my room and socialized for a change. I met up with the Hutton clan for some yakiniku and babimba. Here's a quickly growing Kaede plus the aforementioned dishes.

For no particular reason, here are several more of those smoking ads that show what a terrible social disgrace it is but nothing about its health risks:

Sendai has set up a map of streets where smoking is banned while you walk (bikes seem to be exempt) with the cutest little mascot going!

For those of you not deterred by this campaign, the homepage has a link to an Ashtray Museum and shop. Might as well look cool while you piss off others and damage yourself!

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