
It's A Date!

I had the privilege of meeting my older brother's wife's maternal cousin, Ed and his wife Wendy tonight who are touring all over Japan for about the same price as it cost me to get a cast put on my arm. We even had a chance to reacquaint myself with the cops to whom I reported my accident cuz he went and misplaced his camera at a nearby McDonalds. It was nice to chat with them and I only wish he'd contacted me sooner but I've had my phone on spam-filter mode so I missed his emails. (*Warning to those who wanna email me, do so at aoxoltl atmark hotmail dot com.)

We ate at DATE GYUTAN on the 3rd floor of the station along Beef Tongue Row, the first of several 牛タン restaurants near the Shinkansen entrance.

Ed and I enjoyed tongue stew while Wendy partook of the tongue curry. Very yummy indeed and a welcome respite for me from attempting to cook one-handed.

They went on their merry way and I'm sure that sometime along their whirlwind tour, they'll come across a Tanabata celebration. Long time readers may remember last year's hijinks since we in Sendai need to wait until August 8th. Wait till then for an update, won't you?

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