It's been a rather exhausting week, I must say. The toughest part of the week has been getting dressed in the morning! It's a darned good thing I'm right-handed or I'd be going to work pantless!

But I did make it to work daily and each of my students have signed my cast. They all complied with a certain amount of pleasure at committing such anarchy. You see, casting ones' signature on a cast is unheard of over here so the kids (and adults) participated in their graffiti gleefully!

カブ (kabu=turnip) that she cultivated came to fruition and 3 hearty shoots shot up. Knowing they'd die under my watchful eye, I gave them to the aforementioned Yuki to tend to during Golden Week. She transplanted them to her granny's garden and low and behold, I'm now the proud owner of a couple white カブ!
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