
We, The Jury.

In May 2009, Japan will be implementing lay-judges to deliberate upon the guilt or innocence of accused bad guys. The system is called 裁判員制度 (Saiban-in seido) for those who care. These manga-ized pamphlets (and this one in English) will help inform the public about this new policy.

Yesterday while I was hanging around Mediatheque, there was a film running and the above entire pamphlet spread out on bulletin boards. Not a soul was interested (including myself) but there was a table with some free crap on it so I nabbed 3 DVDs and 2 pamphlets. One of these days, I'll get take a peek at these DVDs but they promise to be fairly dull, so I'll have to be really bored. In the meantime, they make dandy coasters!

If you have a spare 24 minutes, check out this unembeddable movie) about people getting picked for Jury duty.

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