According to the link above, you'll find that he's pickling his nuts, just in time for 節分 (Setsubun) tomorrow! Keep the Demons out and the Good Luck in, my friend!
In other news, I have been given some sort of Best Comment-maker Award by the often amusing, frequently foul and always entertaining Enter the Man-Cave! To date, I comment on his silly Spam responses with a "Bloody Vikings" and add a few coy comments and witticisms on random posts. But in this great Blogoverse of ours, that's all ya need to win an award, so YAHOO, I'm a Weiner!
Here are the rules:
1) Link back to the blog/blogger who nominated you and say a few kind words... DONE!

3) Nominate bloggers you think deliver great comments to your blog. Since the only ones who regularly comment on my blog, are Mokugohan (who is blogless), The Man-Cave (above), The Frog Queen & Wiec who were also nominated, I shall exclude them. I hereby nominate a fellow Canuck, Monkey Majik-stalker and an awesome artist, Stella of a perfect state of non attachment!
4) E-mail/post/tweet or do whatever you need to do to inform these bloggers they have been nominated for an award. WILL DO once I publish this post! (UPDATE: DONE!)
"often amusing, frequently foul and always entertaining"...MJ, when I get a new banner, this is SO going to be my blog's new tagline.
I tried to make it as alliterative as possible.
Aww man! If I knew I was competing for a comment award I would have made all mine witty, enlighting and entertainingly clever instead of what they usually are- boring, moronic and depressingly lame. Damn! I just did it again!
O.K. Starting from the next one.
Hey Mike riddle me this- is it possible that UP might win best picture but not best animated picture?
Glad to see the ear-bleedingly awful tune at the end of Avatar wasn't nominated for Best Song- that was the 4 minutes of the movie I wish I'd missed!
congrats on the award. i was thinking I'll give it to Michael and pow-o you got it too. oh well.
Mokugohan, that was the worst song I have ever heard! That it was nominated for a Golden Globe had me worried that we'd be in for a repeat. Thank goodness!
Cheers wiec? I think there's about a dozen of us who are in an Award-rotation!
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