Realizing that it'll never be the same since Katrina in 2005, I did what I could by donating some cash during our Annual Jozenji Jazz Festival (#15 in a series, collect them all.) One of the food booths was selling these little figurines and though they may not be the most PC of porcelain portrayals, the sentiment was apparent and I picked up two sets. I gave one set away to my pals as souvenirs that Christmas and kept the other.

In honour of New Orleans' dramatic SuperBowl win, here are a half-dozen カトリーナ (Katrina)characters. I'm hard-pressed to figure out who is whom, the dozen represented are as follows: ルイ・アームストロング/Louis Armstrong; ファッツ・ドミノ/Fats Domino; プロフェッサ・ロングフェアー/Professor Longfellow; マルセリス・ファミリーMarsalis Family; アーマ・トーマス/Irma Thomas; ネヴィル・ブラザーズ/Neville Brothers; ドクタージョン/Doctor John; ダーティダズン・ブラスバンド/Dirty Dozen Brass Band; ハリー・コニックjr./Harry Connick Jr.; カーミット・ラフィンズ/Kermit Raffins; ジュン・ヤマギツ/June Yamagin. I'm not sure about the English on one or two of those.

The only other reason to watch the SuperBowl would be the commercials!
Always wanted to visit Nawlins but haven't had thee chance yet.
I don't mean to diss your country, but I have had little desire to visit the US since 9/11. I get hassled enough just trying to change planes at Chicago!
As much as I love Nawlins, I fear that I shan't be visiting it anytime in the near future.
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