
We Love New Orleans.

This statement is very true over here at mytwoyenworth. I have visited the Big Easy twice. Once about a week after Mardi Gras in the mid-90s. My brother and I drove there on a month-long road trip and considering he doesn't drink, I had plenty to make up for. I visited it again on a long-weekend shortly after Halloween 2 years later and I must say that the partying never stopped either time.

Realizing that it'll never be the same since Katrina in 2005, I did what I could by donating some cash during our Annual Jozenji Jazz Festival (#15 in a series, collect them all.) One of the food booths was selling these little figurines and though they may not be the most PC of porcelain portrayals, the sentiment was apparent and I picked up two sets. I gave one set away to my pals as souvenirs that Christmas and kept the other.

In honour of New Orleans' dramatic SuperBowl win, here are a half-dozen カトリーナ (Katrina)characters. I'm hard-pressed to figure out who is whom, the dozen represented are as follows: ルイ・アームストロング/Louis Armstrong; ファッツ・ドミノ/Fats Domino; プロフェッサ・ロングフェアー/Professor Longfellow; マルセリス・ファミリーMarsalis Family; アーマ・トーマス/Irma Thomas; ネヴィル・ブラザーズ/Neville Brothers; ドクタージョン/Doctor John; ダーティダズン・ブラスバンド/Dirty Dozen Brass Band; ハリー・コニックjr./Harry Connick Jr.; カーミット・ラフィンズ/Kermit Raffins; ジュン・ヤマギツ/June Yamagin. I'm not sure about the English on one or two of those.

The only other reason to watch the SuperBowl would be the commercials!


The Man-Cave said...

Always wanted to visit Nawlins but haven't had thee chance yet.

Michael Jones said...

I don't mean to diss your country, but I have had little desire to visit the US since 9/11. I get hassled enough just trying to change planes at Chicago!
As much as I love Nawlins, I fear that I shan't be visiting it anytime in the near future.


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