Quirky observations about Life in Japan, Canada and the world at large.
What A Crock*!
After winning another Bridge tournament (shock!), I decided to celebrate by buying a Conbini-Chance ticket for Hello Kitty goods at half-price. I got one ticket and of the dozen or so chances, I won the only big prize left, a funky looking 土鍋 (do-nabe), an earthenware bowl for cooking しゃぶしゃぶ (Shabu-shabu) and other soup/stew type dishes.
I'd tried to win the grand prize (a HK suitcase) last week with no luck but I did get a コンパクトミラー (compact mirror). If I ever get a typical Japanese girlfriend, she'll go gaga over these goods. (If she's atypical, I'm in trouble.)
Remember way back when as I travelled to Ozu with Kitty-chan? Before I went, I picked up this book because it had an ad for it, which prompted me to don my Silver Shoes and head to the Emerald City. It has several cute cut-outs, cakes, stickers and games etc. I suppose I'll give it to Mokugohan's daughter (though I may secretly keep it to myself.)
The above is the opening credits for a Korean production of Hello Kitty Stump Village. I like the stop-action animation but it is a bit too saccharin for me.
Speaking of Kit, I also acquired some new KitKats today! Possibly in honour of the Olympics, is Maple-flavoured KitKat with 1.7%
マープルシュガー from ケベックカナダ (Maple Sugar from Quebec, Canada.) I shared them with my fellow Bridge players today, much to their delight.
Last week, I found a 唐辛子tougarashi-enhanced pack of (Littles) with a spicy aftertaste of Capsicum.
Manoman, I really need to start filming my own ads for KitKats! If this dude can do it, so can I!
*alternate Post title: What a Knob, eh! (nabe is pronounced similarly.)
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