The only Home console I owned was Intellivision and to this day, I almost never play my Play Station 2...I use it mainly as a DVD player.
Here are the games I own. The Samurai one is really confusing with out a Masters degree in Japanese, the Nightmare one looks cool but I can't get past the 1st level and the others are nice time-wasters but it's been years since I broke a few bricks. I recently bought the Steamboy for less than 5 bucks but I have yet to play it!

Since I've come to Japan though, I rarely play any games. I was never much for the Shoot-em-up or Racing games though I liked to blast Zombies on Typing Of The Dead...I got to practice typing in Japanese while mutilating Zombies, it don't get much better than that!
All this brings me to the following YouTube brought to my attention by old pal Dion via Facebook. Enjoy it, it brought back tons of memories of wasted hours and quarters...And Galdurnit, I sure miss PINBALL!
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