
Salt of the Earth.

Today's incredibly lazy Saturday post is the latest KitKat craze. White Chocolate with Salt from Lauren, France! It tastes like you'd expect a KitKat with white chocolate to taste like, only with a mild aftertaste of salt. Somewhat odd, but not as repulsive as it sounds.

As an added bonus, here's a KitKat ad I found on the back of an Archie Digest comic from the early 80's. Pretty wacky!

Speaking of the 80's...

I've shown this before, but to save you the trouble of going through my archives, that was 宮沢 りえ or Rie Miyazawa back in 1985. It may have been her debut commercial, and she helped popularize KitKat in the 80's. Much later, she starred in The Twilight Samurai which was nominated for an Academy Award back in 2002.
が製造するチョコレート菓子. (Have a break, have a KitKat)

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