Okay, I'm still got a few snags in my composition, but I have figured out how to compose with pictures (I don't ever remember seeing a
Compose button before.) This format has tons more new bells & whistles and I still don't want to use Amazon (it scares me) and for some reason when I start a new post, it gives me that swirly doodad that shows the computer is thinking that never stops. I have to
Publish a blank entry and then edit it! Man this sux. ...I can only upload one image at a time and now I can't figure out how to ,place it where I like... Man this sux!... Now I can't figure out how to remove a duplicate! Man this sux. (Rant finished...maybe.) NOPE, not finished. OKAY, the
YouTubes don't embed any more. Man this sux...Must I upload the frick'n things onto my pc and then upload them here?? Man this sux...
海の日 =
Umi no Hi = Marine Day (admittedly, I stretched it a bit with
Uma/Umi above.) It's a secular holiday that allows the hard-working Japanese to get a long weekend and celebrates their love for anything that comes from the Sea so they can eat it.
Thus I think it's appropriate that I show some pictures of my Finding Nemo paraphernalia! (All images will follow these brief YouTubes.) (
UPDATE: I've deleted the YouTubes for I uploaded them incorrectly.)
By the way, kudos to pal Andy who apparently saved a young lass from drowning in a river today!

ps. Can anyone help me with my problems??? Now I get a message that I should try
Google Chrome to make my blogging faster! Advice??
1 comment:
Mike - THANKS FOR BECOMING MY 300TH FOLLOWER AND ALERTING ME ABOUT IT ON MY BLOG! Much appreciated, my friend. I thought you were already following me, but hey whatever works. Take care my friend and thanks as always for stopping by ETMC!
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